迪宝最新叠buff力作 一整个buff大拉满~ 剧情设置有点跳跃了人物的转变/成长不是靠剧情推动的而是靠切镜头…就…biu的一下这人想法怎么就变了hhhh 画面和想象力没的说毕竟迪宝出品嘛~ after电影的设定就给你那种“知道但又没完全知道”的感觉建立在你的认知上但又会让你惊叹想象力之丰富最后还是让我感动了一下掉了两滴眼泪泪点低质检合格~
It's so hard to say goodbye to you all and not to get emotional about this farewell even before the year has properly started. I'd be proud to say that HTTYD is no doubt my favorite animated series that have companied me in my most confused years; I will remember how stunned I was when I saw you guys find each other, and how crazy I was to watch the sequel five times in a row in front of silver screens with 3D glasses on; and how I needed to rush out before the credits ran through today coz the flashbacks would seriously turn on my waterworks. Thank you, and I'll miss you so much.